Historical Society Launches “Haddonfield Virus Year” Project

The COVID-19 pandemic is affecting all of us. During this challenging time of school and business closures, social distancing, or even actual illness, we at the Historical Society can’t help but wonder – how will this experience be recorded for future generations?
We are launching a new story-gathering project called “Haddonfield Virus Year.” Here’s how you can participate:
1. Sign up for our “Haddonfield Virus Year” email list by clicking here. We plan to use this email list to share ideas and ask questions to help us best capture our community’s experiences. We will also send out periodic prompts to this list to encourage specific kinds of documentation.
2. Start writing down your experiences. You can do this in any way that feels right for you: as a letter, as a diary or an activity log, as a string of sentences. The key is to make it easy enough that you will keep doing it. Here is one historian’s advice about why you should be writing this down.
3. If you’re sharing experiences on Twitter or Facebook, consider adding our project hashtag – #Haddonfieldvirusyear – so we can see it too.
4. If you don’t want to write, document your experiences in whatever other ways feel right for you: photographs, artwork, audio or video recordings, etc.
5. Finally, please plan to share your Haddonfield Virus Year writings or other documentation with the Historical Society’s archives center! Someday, future researchers will be intrigued to hear about the many ways that our community was impacted by this challenging time.
You can sign up for our “Haddonfield Virus Year” email list by clicking here. Questions? Contact Historical Society of Haddonfield Archivist Dana Dorman at li*****@ha****************.org, and thanks in advance for your help.