1. Is my house historic?
Our Archives Center and Research Library has many resources to help you learn more about the history of your house. However, we are not connected to the Borough’s Historic Preservation Commission, which oversees the Historic District. For more on the HPC, see below.
2. Are you connected to the Historic Preservation Commission (HPC) or historic preservation organizations?
No. The Historic Preservation Commission (HPC) is a municipal advisory board created in 1971 through the Borough’s Historic District Ordinance. HPC members are appointed by the Commissioners and are responsible for a design review of all Certificate of Appropriateness applications for exterior alterations, in-fill construction, site alterations, etc. for structures within Haddonfield Historic District. The Commission gives their recommendations to the Planning Board and/or the Zoning Office regarding these applications. The list of structures in the Historic District and the boundaries of the Historic District can be found in the Borough of Haddonfield’s Historic District Ordinance. There is no connection between the Historic Preservation Commission and the Historical Society of Haddonfield.
The Preservation Society was a grass-roots preservation advocacy group, led by Joan Aiken, which disbanded in the late 1990s. In 2009, another preservation/open space advocacy group (“Preservation Haddonfield“) was formed by concerned Haddonfield residents. The Historical Society is not connected to those entities.
3. Can you tell me about building an addition to my house, or tell me what colors I should paint my house?
No, these questions should be directed to the Historic Preservation Commission and/or the Technical Historic Preservation Consultant. If you’re interested in learning more about the history of your house, you may be interested in learning more about the Historical Society’s resources in its Archives Center and Research Library.
House Color: There are no municipal regulations regarding house color and so no building permit/application regarding color choice (or to paint your house, for that matter) is required by the HPC.
Building Additions/Alterations: The Borough Historic Preservation Consultant (Tuesdays afternoons in the Zoning Office, by appointment) is available to give input and advice to residents on any preservation question including paint color suggestions, either inside or outside of the Historic District.
4. Where does the Society get its funding?
The Society is a tax-exempt, nonprofit 501 (c)(3) organization funded primarily by membership dues, gifts, and public fundraising events. We are proud to also receive periodic grant awards from local, county and state sources for specific projects. You can learn more about our supporters here.
5. Can I borrow items from the HSH Archives Center and Research Library?
No, but if the condition of the item permits, the pages can be photocopied, scanned or photographed.